Milk is Life Ch. 01


Disclaimer: The following story is completely fantasy and the events and characters are all purely for the reader’s spicy, and kinky pleasure. Some of the characters however are possibly inspired by real people from the author’s personal life. Enjoy!


The year was, well shit, never-mind the year…

Everything went to Hell after a series of arguments between world leaders. The older generations of the United States no longer wanted anything to do with the United Nations and was attempting everything to eliminate their rivals. From North Korea, to terrorist organizations, and furthermore, the American leadership sought to protect its people from absolute threat. This only triggered a strange and unexpected biological attack. No one knew who or what had launched it but it began to claim lives all around the globe.

Some referred to it as the ‘zombie apocalypse’ as it began very common to see contagious bodies sprawled across the floor in some of the most impoverished places, but historians branded it as the return of the Black Plague. This ‘thing’, however, was spreading through air, and scientists around the globe scrambled to find a repellent, and elixir, or at least a treatment.

The point is, people were dying in massive numbers and no one trusted anyone anymore, but the most peculiar part was that of the extremely odd statistics in the depleting population. It seemed that close to 80% of the deaths were male.

And so, the Y chromosome crisis began, and most places became quiet, and deserted. The remaining surviving populations didn’t have much else as communications were extremely scarce. One would kill others over a simple 3G cell-phone signal, but people wanted to thrive.

Pessimists wanted anyone else that was surviving to lose hope and accept fate…

Optimists, saw the much lighter sense, and knew that the most basic way to combat extinction was to have sex.


Alonso Picasso was my name, at least before the whole ‘end of the world’ shin-dig ended up happening. Now, I have no fucking clue as to who the fuck I am or why the fuck I’m all alone in this God-forsaken Texas prairie. The interstate used to be full of noise, and now, it was a one in a million chance that you could hear anything. I was a survivor though, or at least I think I am, well, I mean I haven’t died or started to bleed out of my eyes. (No kidding, that’s how the first stages of that disease began). Shit was weird, and some psychos claimed that the Devil was possessing people from all the dramatic effects that took place during infection.

I never witnessed anything like it, but I was alone now. My family was far from me, and in such a damn small town that went to literally just me in population, I was just hoping I’d catch that shit. I’m 25, completely single, was going to school in Lubbock, TX for a bit, but then came back down to Midland. I could try and catch a radio signal every now and then, but most of the time it was static.

I am 5’11’, built, short black hair, tan. I had skills and knowledge though. I could work very easily on cars as if I was an experienced surgeon and I was athletic. Food was hard to come by, but I was able to scavenge most of what was left in town.

It had been six weeks since I realized I was completely alone. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I tuned up one of my old neighbor’s trucks (he was rich) and decided that I’d be nomadic.

Would I find other life? Maybe, but even if I was driving away towards anticipated death, at least it would be somewhere else and not rooted to a single small town.

The interstate was very dark at night, but the stars in the sky never looked better. Luckily the Chevy Silverado also had the Bluetooth capability so I was able to hook my cell phone’s music playlist to it. I knew I was at risk carrying that thing around. In fact, before all signal was lost in West Texas, I had heard of a report where some government officials were being hunted solely for their weapons and technology.

I kept singing along to the happy tune of George Strait, until I could see in the distance from over a hill, a small tingle of light. I pulled the truck over from the road and parked. I grabbed the assembling kit/case that was in the back seat and took some time to assemble the sniper rifle that I had taken from the safe of the same neighbor’s house that I had taken the truck from. I stepped out of the truck, swift to not make any noise and I made sure I was completely alone.

No signs of life at all around me, an advantage to spy. I got into the bed of the truck and set up the rifle along the edge, pointing towards the light in the far distance. It was towards what seemed like a basin, just below the hill where I was. The only thing is that I’d have to leave the interstate, a huge risk at night in the country roads.

I set the night-vision scope on and observed, keeping all fingers away from the trigger. The light, seemed like it was a fire, a campfire if anything else. From the light that radiated from the flames I antalya escort could also make up the Side of a small building. That fire hadn’t made itself. It was not a natural occurrence.

I suppose I was going to risk it all now. I set the rifle down and began to dissemble it to get back behind the steering wheel.

As I began to mobilize the truck again, once back behind the wheel, I noticed an old dirt road that seemed to be an old ranch entrance. Sure enough, it would lead to the bottom of the hill towards that light. I set off my headlights, a very risky move, so not as to cause any alarming reactions and continued down the trail, not too many trees in sight to lose track of the light. I cut enough distance to consider almost a mile and I was finally making out more of what I had seen from the scope. Suddenly, the small building that was at a distance from the fire appeared to flash a very blinding light. I was caught, blinding and I hit the brakes.

I was certainly fucked now. I parked the truck and reached for another one of my guns, a Glock 40 with eyelids forcefully shut.

“STEP OUT OF THE TRUCK!” someone said over was sounded like a megaphone.

I couldn’t see with the strong beam hitting me in the face, so I had to oblige. I killed the engine and stepped out of the truck with my hands in the air.

I kept my eyes shut as the light was still unbearable, but then I could feel it being shut off. My eyelids relaxed, but I was still blinded and the darkness was further prominent. All I heard was the approaching of another truck but it blazed past me and looped behind my truck.

I heard a voice yell from the moving truck’s window, and it sounded feminine.

“You fucking move and I’ll blow your damn brains out”. The truck came to a stop and I could hear her disembarking and running towards me. All I felt next was the sharp and immediate smashing of a rifle’s butt onto my head, but then everything felt cool and I felt as if I was floating into a cold, spacious void, not realizing that my unconscious body was now laying on the ground.

I awoke with my head punding. It was fucking pounding. Like if you had UPS knocking at your door forever but in your mentality. I felt like the skin on my forehead had something sticking on to it, but then I realized it was dried blood as I saw a few more spots of evidence on parts of my clothes.

I was in a bed, in just the tee shirt I had on before I was knocked out but I was also just in my boxers. I looked around, soft sunlight was peeking through the window of what seemed to be a bedroom in a trailer home. I saw my boots and my jeans folded on top of them in a chair near the bed. My phone was nowhere to be found and neither were any of my weapons, including any of the knives I had packed.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door to the room, and I watched in slight horror, anticipating someone to put a bullet in my head or something. From behind the swinging door appeared a very familiar face. I hadn’t seen her since college, and was very shocked.

“Sydney?” I asked in absolute shock and agony.

She smiled lightly as she had also recognized me. Sydney was a girl I had known for most of my college career, sharing engineering courses together and studying. She was a brunette with sky blue eyes, a slim figure and was immensely sexy. I never had any confidence around her as I knew her true passions were the arts and not mathematics on gears and assembling. She modeled, not nude but certainly semi-nude, classy, and was a bit of an actress too.

“Good morning Alonso. I’m sorry about last night. I was just looking out for myself” she said addressing the blood and the pain in my head.

“What the hell got you way out here?” She continued.

“I could ask you the same” I responded, sitting up, finally gaining back more consciousness and strength.

To be blunt, after we were done with school we would follow each other on Facebook and other social media, and I knew she had married and moved to Dallas, but this obviously wasn’t a big city now, was it?

Sydney had a very pale look in her face, like I had just triggered some bad memories into her head. “Listen, again, I was just looking out for myself. I’m sorry about the wound…how are you still alive? Did you… umm… milk?”

“Pardon?” I asked with a puzzled look as I reflected her own growing puzzled expression.

Sydney sat down on the bed with me, and I couldn’t help but to see how sexy and beautiful she still was. She was wearing boots, blue jeans and a plaid button-up shirt that had the sleeves rolled up. Her hair was in a pony tail and she looked at me and repeated her earlier question.

“But no, seriously, what brought you out here?”

I took her question with full seriousness while I tried to push away the lust that drew me to stare at her with desire. It also didn’t help that I was still in my boxers, but as to why she was not afraid to sit close to me in just this, I couldn’t say why.

“I was alone in Midland. Everyone out there had died off except for me. I have no idea how or why, lara escort and I had to leave to survive I suppose. I didn’t want to live alone in a ghost town. You’re the first person I’ve interacted with since.”

There was a brief silence, but then my curiosity pulled the question out of me.

“Why did you ask me about milk?”

She took in my answer and found some relation to it, and it seemed as if she was going to answer me in return but hesitated. “Listen, let’s get you cleaned up. I’m almost through with making dinner” she finally let out with a warmer smile.

I was baffled. “Wait, so that’s a sunset out there?” I asked still in disbelief.

“Oh yeah you were kocked out for some time. Again, sorry” she confirmed.

She got up out of the bed as I began to rise up and led me out of the room and into a hallway that had a door to the side. The door led to a small bathroom that included a functioning toilet and shower. She had my bag of clothing in there already for me to change into something fresher. After I got settled in I locked the door behind me and began to do with my business.

My wound wasn’t all that bad once, cleaned up. In fact, it was more so the impact against my head that felt worse. The headache was still strong but whatever Sydney had finished preparing smelled great. I stepped out of the bathroom in shorts and a tee shirt that featured our university’s logo on it.

She smiled as I entered the dining room area and said, “see it’s not that bad”.

God, she was just gorgeous. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to topple into someone that I knew way the hell out here in God-knows-where-I-am-ville.

I helped her set up the table and was impressed that everything in her kitchen seemed completely unaffected by the apocalyptic world out there

“Sit down, you’re my guest” she said after I set her seat up will silverware and napkins.

I obliged and waited for her to join me. She set a plate in front of me with a sizzling steak and two eggs alongside it, and it looked exquisite.

She finally sat down across from me at her small round table with her own plate and we commenced to dine. She was a wonderful cook, and not to mention that steak and other meats was incredibly hard to come by now.

As though she could read my mind and began conversation between chews. “I figured cooking a good steak for familiar company wasn’t a bad idea. Beats dining alone.”

Dining alone. I still couldn’t figure things out…

We kept eating, and as if we had been starving for weeks, we finished without anything left. We each sipped our waters as we finished up. She got up to pull out a large bottle of wine and began to screw in a key to the cork.

“Care for some?” she asked in my direction. I nodded and said, “please.”

She poured the wine into two glasses, delicately and came back to retrieve her previous seat while handing me mine.

“Here’s the truth,” she began, “I believe you already knew that my life was beginning to carry on up. I was married and was living up in Dallas.”

I listened intently realizing things were really fucked up when she said ‘was’. We sipped along the way.

“Of course, no one knew what the hell was going on in the world and my life began to crumble before my very own eyes. My family up there caught the disease and while Harry, my husband, tried to keep me in line, he was robbed and killed…”

She was awfully not as incredibly upset as I thought she would be for bringing such details up.

Then there were a few tears, and my hand immediately came up to her shoulder for a little consolation. She cleared them up and gave me a thankful look.

She continued, “Harry was really strong through all of this, seeing me breakdown and wanting to go along with my family, but what happened to him was going to happen to anyone else who couldn’t protect themselves. He was leaving work that day and got stood up between some skirmish between police and looters.”

I continued to rub my hand on her shoulder, spiritually giving her strength. She took her glass and nearly chugged all of the remaining wine.

“People started calling them pirates at home. Harry had pictures of me in his wallet, and so I had to flee or risk being hunted. I ran away and headed west to someplace where I could probably die alone. But I am here, living in this trailer home that I claimed mine after the previous tenants died and thanks to our education I can keep the power running through some generators and water is pumped from an old reservoir down the road. I’ve been here exactly a year since.”

I followed up on her statement and said, “if you don’t mind me asking, we seem to be in the same feeling of alienation, but were you determined to die from the disease or…”

She cut my answer off with a gentle smile and said, “At first yes, but I realized that I was much too immune so I realized I’d die of old age or something.”

The last statement slapped me across the face. “I’m sorry, immune? There’s an immunity?”

Sydney got up with a smile manavgat escort and refilled her glass. Sipped a little while standing, but walked back to the table and sat down again.

“Very few physicians got the word that some scientists cracked a substance against the disease. As you were wondering from earlier, it’s milk” she said with a half-proud smile.

I was trying to decide whether to believe her or call on her bluff. “But how is cow’s milk effective on the disease if a lot of people were still wiped out? Hell, the last report I heard Wisconsin was almost empty, and that’s dairy land!” I let out a chuckle as I finished my statement.

She laughed too but then shifted her gaze a little bit to herself, but then back to me as she took another sip of wine. I gave her another puzzled look.

“Okay, but you promise not to be thrown off?” she asked, almost too excited to spill the beans.

I nodded, still wondering what she meant. “It’s breast milk, human milk. One must have had a consistent diet of it to survive and prevent catching the disease” she answered.

“So how the hell am I still al-” I began but then flashbacked into my memory about breaking into the Goodwin’s home once they packed and scrammed. “Oh shit…” I said out loud in realization.

“What?” Sydney asked.

“I think I know how I’ve been surviving” I answered as it continued to unfold in my mind.

“Well?” she asked, begging for more detail.

“There was a family in town, the Goodwin’s. They packed some of their things and scrammed off North, but they left a lot of things behind. When I was all alone in the past weeks I remember breaking into their home to look for tools, food, or anything useful…”

Sydney followed along intently.

“Now I found a freezer fridge in their basement that I thought had meats and stuff, but I only found what I thought were frozen cream pops, but now that I think back, I remember that the youngest Goodwin daughter that lived with them had a baby at 23.”

Sydney had a hard time holding in the wine she had sipped as she began to laugh. She continued to simmer in the humor and finally gathered herself to say, “you ate breast milk popsicles.”

I let the idea sink in further but then said, “well yeah I was starving, and I found those. I had no idea what they were at the time.”

“Well no wonder, I kept asking how you stayed alive. Not many guys made it without it, if any at all” she added.

We continued to sip and giggle a little further, but then my curiosity came to life.

“Wait, so what about you? How are you still alive then? Do you have some source in a town near here for milk like that?” I asked.

She stopped giggling and smiled wide. “Okay, again, don’t judge me, promise!” she commanded.

I nodded once again and said, “you have my word.”

She hesitated a little but then began another tangent. “When we were in school Harry and I were really connected because of a mutual fetish/lifestyle. We were interested in adult breastfeeding, and because of it, I induced lactation into my body. Harry would suck on my breasts and would drink my milk exactly as a baby would. Eventually, I made a ton, so I pumped, would sell, and in very, very seldom occasions would nurse other people for a very generous price.”

My mouth was hanging a little and I knew I was beginning to stare at her not wanting to believe her, but I kept my promise and sipped down the last of my wine. “So you’re saying that if I paid you enough in those days, I could have had a snack in between our study sessions?”

She laughed at my statement and sipped some more of her wine. She looked down but then back up with a cute smile and answered, “pretty much, yes.”

I smiled and played with the sexy idea of recreating our memories in those study rooms.

‘Okay, I’m pooped’

‘How about a snack?’


(Out comes Sydney’s breasts)

(I settle into her lap and suckle away)

What a hot and wonderful thought eh?

My fantasy was pierced as she downed another sip and said, “technically, I would have charged you much, much less.”

“Oh?” I let out.

“You were a good friend, a study-mate, someone I knew, and I also thought you were cute” she admitted without any hesitation.

I smiled rather wide, all out of my control. I loved the thought that she found me attractive though committed at the time, and even more the thought that I could have had easier access than anyone to her bosom.

“Sounds like you two had a lot of fun, so I’m assuming your body isn’t reacting the way it used to? I asked without intending it to head anywhere.

“Not necessarily. I still pump a lot of milk and produce just as strong as when I was with him” she answered bluntly.

Her bare feet brushed my leg slightly under the table as she sipped some more, almost coming to the bottom once again.

There was a heavy silence between us, and Sydney had her eyes fixed on to mine. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing and I couldn’t look away. She was gorgeous as ever, so sexy, and I wanted to do an infinite number of dirty things to her. It had been several months since I had been intimate with anyone. Her leg playing and brushing along mine, did not suggest anything other than the fact that her yearlong hiatus from intimacy as well was fueling her sudden craving of lust.

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